Windows |
Download Enthought Canopy Express Download EpiFire v3.34.0 for Windows |
OS X |
Download Enthought Canopy Express Download EpiFire v3.34.0 for Mac OS X |
Linux |
Install python and python-networkx from repository EpiFire source code Some advice regarding dependencies is available here. Talk to me if you have questions |
Joel's software and bookThe book is available for free while on the UW network (and many other universities). |
Some interesting network data setsMark Newman's network data pageThis is a good resource for networks from different sources, although most are likely not epidemiologically relevant. GML files can be read in using NetworkX like this:
Network funVAX! A game about epidemic prevention. |
One more exerciseActual data is often time-structured and could reasonably be interpreted as a dynamic network. Create a new percolation simulator that reads in an edge list file with time data, and then simulates an epidemic on a dynamic network. What are the consequences of using a dynamic network vs "flattening" the data into a static network? What are the important decisions you need to make as a modeler in this exercise? The line format is "node1,node2,start_time,end_time" |